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Print Outlines

Fundamentals of Biology
Lesson 2
Basic Chemistry

I. Quiz

II. Ps 65:1, 9-10 God, not 'Mother Nature' provides for life.

III. Chemical Bonds.
    A. Goal: a full (stable) outer electron shell.
    B. Ionic.
        1. Transfer of electrons.
        2. Electrical attraction.
        3. E.g. sodium and chlorine.
        4. Illustration on p. 45 is wrong.
    C. Covalent.
        1. Sharing of electrons.
        2. E.g. oxygen and hydrogen.

IV. Energy.
    A. Diffusion: net movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
    B. Osmosis: diffusion across a semi-permeable membrane.
    C. Catalyst: a substance which affects the rate of a reaction but is not changed in the reaction.

V. Carbohydrates.
    A. Consist of C, H, O.
    B. Twice as many H atoms as O atoms.
    C. Monosaccharides: glucose, fructose.
    D. Disaccharides: sucrose, lactose.
    E. Polysaccharides.
        1. Starch: plant food storage.
        2. Glycogen: animal starch, branched chains.
        3. Cellulose: plant structural fibers, alternating glucose molecules.

VI. Lipids.
    A. Slightly soluble in water, very soluble in organic compounds.
    B. Fats, oils, waxes.
    C. Glycerol + 3 fatty acids = triglyceride.

VII. Proteins.
    A. General.
        1. Made primarily of C, H, O, N.
        2. Enzymes or structural uses.
        3. About 20 amino acids.
    B. Structure.
        1. Primary: Amino Acid Sequence.
        2. Secondary: Hydrogen Bonds.
        3. Tertiary: Folding.
        4. Quaternary: Multiple Chains.

VIII. Nucleic Acids.
    A. Phosphate group.
    B. Sugar: Ribose, Deoxyribose.
    C. Bases.
        1. Single Ring.
            a. Cytosine.
            b. Thymine.
        2. Double Ring.
            a. Adenine.
            b. Guanine.
    D. Nucleotide = phosphate + sugar + base.
    E. Ladder Structure.
        1. Phosphate bonds join the nucleotides.
        2. Bases pair by size.
            a. A-T.
            c. C-G.
        3. Bases joined by hydrogen bonds.
        4. Twisted configuration.


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